Diadem Technologies Support Knowledgebase

Automatically purge messages from the Spam folders on Horde Webmail

Article ID: 584
Last updated: 26 Jul, 2018

Automatically purge messages from the Spam folders on Horde Webmail

   Step 1: Follow the steps to delete spam emails automatically from Horde Webmail

1. Visit the URL http://webmail.domain_name.com and login into horde webmail.


2. Hover on settings icon, then Preferences and click on Mail option.


3. Now click on the "Deleting and Moving Messages" option.

4. Check the "Move deleted messages to your trash mailbox instead of marking them as deleted in the current mailbox".

5. Click on the Spam Reporting to the corner right option.


6. Now follow the options as given below and click on Save button.


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Article ID: 584
Last updated: 26 Jul, 2018
Revision: 10
Views: 4641
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