Create and Manage Mailing List in Plesk
Objective: Mailing list is a group of email address to which a number of users are subscribed. Mailing lists are used for sending email messages to multiple recipients at once.
Create Mailing List from Plesk
Manage Mailing List from Plesk
1. Visit the URL http://<your_domain>:8880 or https://<your_domain>:8443 (For SSL) and login.
2. Go to the Mail Tab and click on Mail List under it.
3. Fill all the input fields as given below,
A. Assign a new user name in Mailing List Address input box and select the domain.
B. Mark Switch on to enable the service.
C. Type mailing list admin email.
D. Type the password for futher access.
E. Input the email address in the Subscribers field.
F. Check notify administrator on the mailing list creation.
Click OK to complete the process.
A popup will shown that the mailing list was created.
1. Visit the URL http://<your_domain>:8880 or https://<your_domain>:8443 (For SSL) and login.
2. Go to the Mail Tab and click on Mail List under it.
3. You can see the mailing list added as given below, from there click on Manage the List to process further,
4. A new window will open, from where you will manage. Type the respective password and click Let me in button.
5. To add multiple administrator address, click on general option.
The list administrator email addresses. You can add multiple administrator addresses as per your requirement (can add single email address per line).
There are two ownership roles associated with each mailing list. The list administrators are the people who have ultimate control over all parameters of this mailing list. They are able to change any list configuration variable available through these administration web pages.
The list moderators have more limited permissions, they are not able to change any list configuration variable, but they are allowed to tend to pending administration requests, including approving or rejecting held subscription requests, and disposing of held postings. Of course, the list administrators can also tend to pending requests.
In order to split the list ownership duties into administrators and moderators, you must set a separate moderator password, and also provide the email addresses of the list moderators. Note that the field you are changing here specifies the list administrators.
6. For any non-member of the mailing list can send email, go to Sender filters under Privacy options.
generic_nonmember_action (privacy): Action to take for postings from non-members for which no explicit action is defined.
In case you want any email id to post to members of that list, please click on the Privacy options setting and click on Accept radio option, any non-member of the mailing list can send email immediately to that.
When a post from a non-member is received, the message's sender is matched against the list of explicitly accepted, held, rejected (bounced), and discarded addresses. If no match is found, then this action is taken.
7. To receive email alerts to the specific email id, click on Tend to pending moderator requests, to release emails pending for approval.
8. To setting up Maximum length of a message body, go to General Options.
This setting allows you to set the largest message that can be posted to your list. You should choose the size limit that works best for your list. We can use 0 for no limit.
9. To limit for Maximum number of recipients acceptable, go to Recipient filter.
If a posting has this number, or more of recipients, it is held for admin approval.
10. To setup list of non-member addresses whose postings will be automatically rejected, go to sender filter.
Postings from any of these non-members will be automatically rejected. In other words, their messages will be bounced back to the sender with a notification of automatic rejection. This option is not appropriate for known spam senders; their messages should be automatically discarded.
Also please follow the reference link: