Diadem Technologies Support Knowledgebase

Creating Customers For Each Subscription

Article ID: 825
Last updated: 27 Jul, 2018

Creating Customers For Each Subscription in Plesk Panel

Objective: Creating Customers to authenticate for accessing any subscription from Plesk Control Panel

Create Customer in Plesk panel

Assign a Subscription to any Customer

   Step 1: Steps to create customer in Plesk

1. Visit the URL http://<your_domain>:8880 or https://<your_domain>:8443 (For SSL) and login as admin.

2. Go to Customers tab from the left panel and click on it.

3. Now click on Add a customer, to create new.

4. Follow the below steps to fill details for the customer.
   A. Type the customer name.
   B. Type the email address for the respective customer.
   C. Fill other fields as per your need.

5. Fill the details for accessing to plesk panel.
   A. Type the Username as login username for the plesk control panel.
   B. Type the Password or can create password by generate button.
   Now click OK to complete the process.

A popup will be shown as the customer is created successfully.

   Step 2: Steps to assign a Subscription to any Customer

1. Visit the URL http://<your_domain>:8880 or https://<your_domain>:8443 (For SSL) and login as admin.

2. Click on Subscription from the left panel.

3. Now mark the subscription you want to assign, and click on Change Subscriber.

4. Select the Customer (radio button) and click Next to process further.

5. You can see the new owner for that subscription mentioned below, now click on the Finish button to complete process.

6. To view the changes that reflect, click on the Subscription tab from the left panel, now you can see that the subscriber is changed for that subscription as listed.


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Article ID: 825
Last updated: 27 Jul, 2018
Revision: 9
Views: 1182
Comments: 0