Diadem Technologies Support Knowledgebase

Creating Web User(s)

Article ID: 18
Last updated: 19 May, 2020

Steps to Creating Web User(s)

Objective: Web User is like an FTP user, you can use this as an individual FTP account and you can host on your Web server personal Web pages for individuals who do not need their own domain names. These pages usually have web addresses like http://yourdomain.com/~username.

  1. Log in to Control Panel and click on the "Website & Domain" tab after that click on the "Web Users" button.

  1. Now click on the "Add Web User" button.


  1. Below is the description for adding a web user.
  • Write the "Username" for connecting to the server over FTP.
  • Write the "password".
  • Enter the same password in the "Confirm password" text box.
  • Click "OK" to save the "Web User".


  1. A new web user is created. Now you can create more web users following these steps.

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Article ID: 18
Last updated: 19 May, 2020
Revision: 33
Views: 2639
Comments: 0