Diadem Technologies Support Knowledgebase

Diadem MXThunder Antispam Filter Overview

Article ID: 1461
Last updated: 19 Jan, 2022

Diadem MXThunder Antispam Filter Overview

Mxthunder is a premium cloud based antispam and antivirus solutions that works out of the box,
offer full control, and is seamlessly integrated into existing email infrastructure.

If you have an existing subscription, please login at the below URL:

Antispam URL: https://diademtech.mxsnap.com/

User Name: yourdomain.com
Password:  (as provided during signup)

Email Quarantine Search

Shared Quarantine 

To check all the Quarantine emails  Quarantine > Shared Quarantine 

To manage the Quarantine emails

Hover on the email subject to get the options for viewing, blocking and approving the sender


Clean mail

To check all the Clean mail  Quarantine > Clean mail

On the email subject to get the options for viewing, blocking and approving the sender.


WhiteList and BlackList Senders 

For Approved sender need to click on  Settings  > Approved senders 

Now click on Add

 Enter the Email address or domain name  and save it.


For Blocked sender click on  Settings  > Blocked senders

Click on Add

 Input the Email address or domain name  and click on Add blocked senders

Spam Training

To mark any mail as a spam mail 

Quarantine > Clean Quarantine > click on Mark spam

To clean the spam mail follow the steps below.

Quarantine > Shared Quarantine > click on View

 Click on the Mark clean

Recipient White list

Custom Filter rules that are set to "Always deliver" will override all other filters when there's a match. That includes messages with viruses, spoofed senders, blocked senders, and other Custom Filter rules that are set to "quarantine". 

Go to Settings > Custom Filter

Then create a new filter rule.

Create custom filter

The highlighted parameters should be mentioned while creating the filter, where "[email protected]" is the recipient id where the incoming filter will not work and all incoming emails will always be allowed.

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Article ID: 1461
Last updated: 19 Jan, 2022
Revision: 6
Views: 1974
Comments: 0