Diadem Technologies Support Knowledgebase

Directly search and retrieve email with Mailstore plugin for Outlook

Article ID: 767
Last updated: 22 Jul, 2019

Restoring Emails

To restore an archived email which is no longer in your mailbox to Outlook, please proceed as follows:

  • Download the Mailstore Plugin for Outlook and install on the PC which need to be configured.
  • Locate the email within the archive and open it.
  • In the MailStore Outlook Add-in, click on Restore Message.
  • Drag and drop the envelope icon into an Outlook email folder or a Windows Explorer file system folder.
  • The email is restored immediately or after a few seconds, depending on its size.

Search emails on an Archived Folder

Step:1 Display of the Archive Folder

In the MailStore Outlook Add-in, click on Browse Archive to display the part of the archive that is visible to you.

Step:2 User Archives

The folder My Archive contains all emails that were archived from your mailboxes. If you have read-access to the archives of additional users, their emails are located in the folders labeled Archive of <[email protected]>.

Step:3 Display of Emails in a Folder

To view the emails of a specific folder, simply click on the folder name. The emails are listed below the tree structure.

Quick Search

With quick search you can browse all emails located in the archives you have access to. This feature is especially suitable for simple queries; alternatively.

Using Quick Search

The input field is located in the MailStore Outlook Add-in. simply enter one or more keywords and press ENTER. The search results are displayed. Keywords which appear in the header or the subject line are highlighted.

Searching for Word Fragments

To display all emails containing a word beginning with a particular fragment, use the wildcard character (*). For example:


Will return [email protected]

Searching for Words with unknown letters

To view all emails containing a word where you do not know how to spell it correctly, you can use the question mark (?). For example Supp?rt would locate [email protected]

Searching for Phrases

To search for words appearing consecutively and in a specific order, use quotation marks (""). For example:

“[email protected]"

Will return those mail contain [email protected]ch.com this phrase.

Narrowing by Fields

A search for keywords or phrases can be limited to specific fields. For example:

subject:News- --only in Subject

from:[email protected] in From

to:[email protected] in To

cc:[email protected] in Cc

bcc:[email protected] in Bcc

Subject : mail log report

From:[email protected]

To: [email protected]

 Excluding Words

To narrow a search, you may want to specify words which must not be present in the emails. To exclude words from the search results, prepend the word with the minus character (-). For example:

ZDNet -download-tip

Returns all emails from ZDNet which do not contain download-tip.

Combining Search Options

Any of the search options described above can be combined. For example:

ZDNET -"Daily Update"

Returns all emails from ZDNet which do not contain the consecutive words Daily Update.

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Article ID: 767
Last updated: 22 Jul, 2019
Revision: 50
Views: 2547