Diadem Technologies Support Knowledgebase

How To Backup or Download Database from Plesk

Article ID: 1104
Last updated: 30 Mar, 2020

To Backup or Download DB from Plesk

Description: In Plesk, database dumps are created in the SQL format and saved as ZIP archives. If you need to create a dump in another format or to set custom settings for a dump, use the native functionality of DB management tools (phpMyAdmin, phpPgAdmin, or myLittleAdmin).

              Step 1:  Login To the Plesk control panel.

              Step 2:   Go to the DB.


               Step 3: Locate the name of the DB you wish to take a backup from the server, click on Export Dump in the db tool panel.


          Step 4: To save a dump in a certain directory on the server, select the directory. The home directory of your subscription is used by default, thgen click on OK to continue.


   You will see the success or failure message in the right side of the message box. After the success of the db backup, it will start the download on your local machine.

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Article ID: 1104
Last updated: 30 Mar, 2020
Revision: 6
Views: 316
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