Diadem Technologies Support Knowledgebase

How to connect using Core FTP

Article ID: 894
Last updated: 07 Oct, 2016

Download core FTP

Connecting to an FTP server
In order to connect to a FTP server, we will first set up a site in the Site Manager.

To get to the Site Manager, click on the    button on the top left hand of the screen or the    button on the right side of the main window.


Site Manager

Once you have started up the site manager, the first thing you want to do is click on the "new site" button.  This will set up a new site profile that we will use to connect to a FTP server.
The most critical pieces of information that are needed to connect to a server are:
1:  Host, Internet Address (IP), or URL.
2:  Username
3:  Password

Using this information, we enter it into the site profile as follows:

Once this information has been entered, click the "connect" button and you should see the following connection dialog:


This log shows the progress of the connection being established.


Upon successful connection, you will see the right (remote) list of files listed. These are files that are on the remote server. 


Transferring files (upload/download)

Once you have established a connection to a server, you can now start transferring files between your computer and the remote FTP server.


Once you have pressed the upload button, Core FTP will transfer the file to the remote server. 

That's all there is to it!   Assuming your domain is setup up and pointed to your FTP server's directory, you should see your html file displayed ( at http://www.yourdomain.com).


To download a file, simply select the files in the remote directory listing, and hit the download button.

In this example, the file already exists in the local directory listing.  Select 'overwrite' if you want to overwrite the file.  Overwriting will replace the file.  If you do not wish to overwrite the file, hit cancel.

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Article ID: 894
Last updated: 07 Oct, 2016
Revision: 27
Views: 1940
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