Diadem Technologies Support Knowledgebase

How to create distribution list in Zimbra

Article ID: 973
Last updated: 24 Aug, 2017

1. Login to the Zimbra Admin console.

2. Click on “Manage” from left hand side of the menu bar, as shown on the below figure.

3. After clicking “Manage”, click on “Distribution list” as shown on the below figure.

4. Click on gear button from the right hand side of the admin console and choose “New” from the dropdown.

5. Now give the name of the distribution list, type the display name of the distribution list, now click on “Search” button. After clicking search button it shows all the email address, select the email addresses that you want to add member inside the distribution list and click on "Add Selected" button as shown on the below figure.

6. Now selected mail address is shown on the member list. And click on "Finish" button to add.

7. Now add the owner of the distribution list. Click on the newly created distribution list, after that click on the "Owners" and click on "Add" button as shown below.

8. Now type the owner email address and click on "Ok" button . As shown on the figure.

9. Owner can edit the distribution list from webmail.

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Article ID: 973
Last updated: 24 Aug, 2017
Revision: 6
Views: 2243
Comments: 0