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How to install Plesk in CentOS Linux

Article ID: 1102
Last updated: 06 Sep, 2022

Installing Plesk Panel on CentOS Linux server

Check out our updated step by step guide on how to setup plesk obsidian on centos 7
To install Plesk panel at Linux server, please follow the below given steps.

     Step-01: Installation of the Plesk control panel.

1. Install all necessary packages (for CentOS)
     # yum install wget

2. Upgrade the OS version:
     # yum update

3. Download Plesk Installer:
     # wget http://autoinstall.plesk.com/plesk-installer

4. Add execution permissions to Plesk Installer:
     # chmod +x plesk-installer

5. Launch Plesk Installer with the command below:
     # ./plesk-installer

     Step-02: Installation steps through Shell prompt:

A. The first screen is the terms and conditions. Please press "F" to agree the terms and conditions.

B. Next, we choose the latest updated Plesk stable version to install.
    By default, the option with the star (*) next to it is chosen. To change the selection, enter the number of the option you want to choose and hit Enter. The location of the star (*) will change, and you can then go ahead and press "F".

C. Next, we choose the type of installation.
    There are three different option to install Plesk for each Linux distribution, the Full installer, the Recommended installer and Custom installation. We recommend to use the Custom installation, where we can choose the packages as per our need.

D. From here we can choose the required packages as per our need.

E. Plesk will now do a scan of your system and find out which packages need to be downloaded or updated.
    It'll present you with a summary and prompt you for confirmation. Once you press "F", the installation will starts. You'll end up with a message saying "Congratulations".


     Step-03: Logging in for the first time at Plesk panel:

The first step is to log in for the first time and start the GUI process, setting the admin password etc. To do this, we need to generate a one-time login link. We get that by typing in the following command:
     # plesk bin admin --get-login-link
You can see below the secure URL. Please copy it and paste it into a browser, after that we can complete the rest of the server setup process via the GUI and change the Plesk panel admin password.

After doing the plesk setup and reset the Plesk panel admin password we can login the plesk panel through below given URL
SSL supported URL: https://<your_ip_address>:8443 or https://:your_domain>:8443
Non SSL supported URL: http://<your_ip_address>:8880 or http://:your_domain>:8880

     Step-04 Post installation setup for Plesk Panel

1. After login the Plesk panel, we can see the License agreement page. Please check the tick box to agree the terms and conditions and proceed to the next page.

2. Next is the View Selector page. In this page we can choose the appearance of the panel as per our requirement. We will select Corporate and Business use and appearance will be Service provider view.

3. Then comes the Settings page. Here we will set the information like server hostname, servers shared IP also set the admin password of the plesk panel.

4. Now fill the contact information for the administrator user and click on submit.

5. Once we have filled the required details we will need to enter the license key for the plesk version.

6. I have a trial key for the web host edition, so I have added that key in there and my plesk installation is completed.

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Article ID: 1102
Last updated: 06 Sep, 2022
Revision: 18
Views: 486
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