Diadem Technologies Support Knowledgebase

How to install Wordpress and other applications on CWP (Using Softaculous)

Article ID: 1019
Last updated: 28 Jul, 2018

Steps to install Wordpress in CWP (using Softaculous)

   Step 1: Login at http://<your_server_ip>:2082 or http://<domain_name>:2082

1. Go to the Script Installers menu and select Softaculous.

2. Hover the mouse pointer to Wordpress and select install.

3. Fill in the input fields for Wordpress credentials accordingly,

    A. Choose the protocol - which protocol to use.

    B. Choose the domain - which doamin the application will be install.

    C. Choose the directory - directory path under the domain, where to install.

    D. Site Name - type the website name.

    E. Site Description - Any short description.

    F. Admin Username - Wordpress login username.

    G. Admin Password - Wordpress login password.

    H. Admin Email - Admin email related to application.

    I. Database Name - Database where wordpress will be installed.

    J. Table Prefix - database table prefix name.

    K. All installation details will send to below email.

    L. Install - Click to install wordpress.

Step 2: Wordpress is now installed. Visit the url path where the Wordpress installed.

Now for further changes, access the dashboard by the default link as given:

Admin URL: http://<domain_name>/<wp_installation_dir>/wp-admin and login by the username and password.

Website URL: http://<domain_name>/<wp_installation_dir>/ to visit the site.


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Article ID: 1019
Last updated: 28 Jul, 2018
Revision: 29
Views: 2079
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