Diadem Technologies Support Knowledgebase

How to Restart VPS and Dedicated Server and Services from Plesk

Article ID: 716
Last updated: 29 May, 2020

How to Restart VPS and Dedicated Server and Services from Plesk

   Step 1: Follow the steps to restart server from plesk

1. Visit the URL http://<your_domain>:8880 or https://<your_domain>:8443 (For SSL) and login as admin.

2. Go to Tools & Settings, then Server Management and click on the link Restart Server.

A popup will appear for the confirmation, click Yes to restart.

   Step 2: Follow the steps to restart any service from plesk

1. Visit the URL http://<your_domain>:8880 or https://<your_domain>:8443 (For SSL) and login as admin.

2. Go to Tools & Settings, then click on Service Management.

3. Click on the right column icons for any respective services to manage.
   From left to right, Start, Stop and Restart button by which you can manage the services.

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Article ID: 716
Last updated: 29 May, 2020
Revision: 24
Views: 1873
Comments: 0