Diadem Technologies Support Knowledgebase

MSH filter rule: Block all incoming and outgoing emails of Gmail and yahoo from a specific email id.

Article ID: 957
Last updated: 28 May, 2024

Download MSH Filter

To download and install the Desktop module for MSH filter administration at your local system, Please use below given link.

Desktop module for MSH filter download link: http://www.mshsoftware.com/download/msh-tp/1.7.7/MSH%20Traffic%20Policy%20Setup.exe


Block all incoming emails of Gmail and yahoo to [email protected] email id.

1. After connecting the MSH filter with this server, we need to create a rule's group  Email Block (The rules must be checked on, otherwise these will not work).

2. Now we need to create the Incoming mail block rule by pressing Add Rules option.


3. Edit the rule and set the action - Block Messages from ADD option.
4. Type: Discard. If you want to discard those emails match with this rules.


5. Now we have to set the condition rule - Select Message sender - Email Address from Add option.


6. Message Sender condition: Add Regular Expression and Email addresses as - (.*?@gmail\.com)|(.*?@yahoo\.com)|(.*?@yahoo\.co\.in)


7. Message Recipient condition: With All conditions must met option and enter the email ID's list, on which this condition will be applicable.

Note: Here if you select ''True only if at least one recipient is matched' then the rule will be applied when the mentioned email addresses are in any of the 'TO, CC and BCC' fields. And if you select  ''True only if all recipients are matched' then the rule will be applied when the mentioned email addresses are in each of the 'TO, CC and BCC' fields.


Jun 20 18:36:21 zimbratest postfix/smtpd[4565]: 4EAAA83AD9: client=mail-ua0-f179.google.com[]

Jun 20 18:36:21 zimbratest postfix/cleanup[4831]: 4EAAA83AD9: message-id=<CAH9mz8S007GR7j7SNqSnp4rSJ6Daa9VeGfLOaNejKsxqLyd+eg@mail.gmail.com>

Jun 20 18:36:22 zimbratest postfix/cleanup[4831]: 4EAAA83AD9: milter-discard: END-OF-MESSAGE from mail-ua0-f179.google.com[]: milter triggers DISCARD action; from=<[email protected]> to=<[email protected]> proto=ESMTP helo=<mail-ua0-f179.google.com>


Block all outgoing emails to Gmail and yahoo from [email protected] email id.

1. Please create the Outgoing mail block rule by pressing Add Rules option.

2. Now we have to set the condition rule - Select Message sender - Email Address from Add option.

3. Message sender condition: With Wildcard option and enter the email ID's list, on which this condition will be applicable.


4. Message Recipients condition: Add Regular Expression and Email addresses as - (.*?@gmail\.com)|(.*?@yahoo\.com)|(.*?@yahoo\.co\.in)

Note: Here if you select ''True only if at least one recipient is matched' then the rule will be applied when the mentioned email addresses are in any of the 'TO, CC and BCC' fields. And if you select  ''True only if all recipients are matched' then the rule will be applied when the mentioned email addresses are in each of the 'TO, CC and BCC' fields.

5. Set the NEXT option and set Stop Processing more rules.



Jun 21 12:30:16 zimbratest postfix/smtpd[29543]: F3DB2839B1: client=zimbratest.diadem-tech.com[]

Jun 21 12:30:16 zimbratest postfix/cleanup[29549]: F3DB2839B1: message-id=<[email protected]>

Jun 21 12:30:16 zimbratest postfix/cleanup[29549]: F3DB2839B1: milter-discard: END-OF-MESSAGE from zimbratest.diadem-tech.com[]: milter triggers DISCARD action; from=<[email protected]> to=<[email protected]> proto=ESMTP helo=<zimbratest.diadem-tech.com>


Enabling LOG

1. Go to the Diagnostic Logging option and Enable diagnostic logging.

2. Also if you want to archive the log, Click on Dump messages option.


3. From Message option at Events History tab - we can found the message logs.


4.  Here we can found the brief details of message logs.

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Article ID: 957
Last updated: 28 May, 2024
Revision: 28
Views: 3312
Comments: 0