Diadem Technologies Support Knowledgebase

Plesk File Manager Features

Article ID: 721
Last updated: 16 May, 2020

Plesk File Manager Features

Objective: Plesk provides a built-in file manager so you can manage all the files on your subscription. The file manager is used to upload, remove and organize all website files.

   Step 1: Accessing File Manager in file manager

1. Visit the URL http://<your_domain>:8880 or https://<your_domain>:8443 (For SSL) and login.

2.  Click on file manager for selected domain


Step 2: Creating, managing files and directiory from File Manager in Plesk

Following are the steps to manage any files or directory from File Manager.

1. To upload any files on selected directory click on upload file, a popup will open, upload the file.

2. To create any file or directory click new, then click files or directory which you need to create.

3. To copy any files or directory, select those and click copy link. A popup will ask where to copy all files.


4. To move any files or directory, select those and click move link. A popup will ask where to move all files.

5. To remove files, select files and click the remove link. A popup will open to confirm, click yes to remove.

6. To archive any files, select them and click Add to archive. A popup will open, input the compress file name and click OK.

7. To extract any compressed file, select and click on Extract files. A popup will confirm the path and about replacing old files.

8. Click on the settings link on the right to modify the layout of the file manager.

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Article ID: 721
Last updated: 16 May, 2020
Revision: 21
Views: 2199
Comments: 0