Plesk database missing in subscription

Check and Move database between different subscription

Issue: Database is not showing under the original Subscription from Plesk Panel

Observation: With the following command it is found under which subscription the database is currently exist. ( example database in the below command: chandist_steeldbl )

[root@plesk06 ~]# plesk db "select as 'Database', as 'Subscription',c.pname as 'Owner',c.login as 'Customer Username' from data_bases db,domains d,clients c where and" |grep chandist_steeldbl

Resolution: On the Plesk Panel Go to the Subscription the database is currently attached >> Click on Databases >> Click on Move to Subscription Tab 

Select the destination subscription from the drop down box and press OK 

Article ID: 1571
Last updated: 05 Feb, 2023
Revision: 8
Plesk Panel -> Plesk Admin -> Plesk database missing in subscription