How to install Zimbra Desktop and PST Import

Steps to install Zimbra Desktop

If you are using the Zimbra Network Edition, you can download and install Zimbra Desktop on our PC, we will go first to the following link:
Once the link is opened, a page like the following will appear, where we will select the appropriate download according to the operating system that we have.

Once downloaded, to accept end-user license agreement. Check the I Agree to continue.

Click Install to continue the installation process.

To completing zimbra desktop setup click on Finish

Now connect them to the server and mentioned the URL :

The next page will ask for the username and password. Put the valid email address and correct password for login

After putting the email address and password, it will take some time to validate the credentials, the Zimbra webmail interface will appear.

Zimbra Desktop Folder

Generally Zimbra desktop saves the mails locally in this folder 'C:\Users\[USER-NAME]\AppData\Roaming\@zimbra\storage\[account-email-address]\ '. In the below image, we can see the emails have been saved for each folder.

Steps to import PST files: 

We will follow the below steps to Import the .pst file to Zimbra Desktop.

Step 1: To import '.pst' files we have to download a tool called 'ZCS Migration Wizard for Exchange/PST'. To download the tool we have to log in to the Zimbra admin panel and then go to Tools and Migration>Downloads,  Then click on the ''ZCS Migration Wizard for Exchange/PST'' and download the tool and install it on your local system.

Step 2:  After installing it open the application and choose the '.pst' file from your local system and click on 'Next'

Step 3:  Now choose the 'Hostname' 'Username' 'Password' along with the 'Port' > Next

Step 4: Under the 'Option' area we can choose the folder which we want to migrate and we can also create some additional migration filters from here. Then click on 'Migrate'

Step 5: After the successfully completion of the migration process, we can see the results as provided in the attachment below.

Article ID: 1576
Last updated: 09 Oct, 2023
Revision: 24
Zimbra Groupware -> How to install Zimbra Desktop and PST Import