Diadem Mailstore Access and User Creation

User Management on Diadem MailStore

Creating a New User

Editing an Existing User Account

In the next window, the following settings can be specified:

General Information

Integration (optional)

Specifying Privileges

The Following Privileges can be Assigned:

Folder Access

All main folders, which the current user has access to, are listed here. These folders correspond to the archives of individual MailStore users and contain all their archived emails. By default, users have only access to their own archives (to read and write, but not to delete). By clicking on Add New, the main folder of another user can be added to the list of folders accessible by the current user. Then the type of access to be permitted has to be specified.

The following options are available:

Article ID: 724
Last updated: 18 Jul, 2018
Revision: 20
Diadem Mailstore -> Diadem Mailstore Access and User Creation