User Management on Diadem MailStore
Creating a New User
- To create new user first log in to Diadem MailStore using your user name and password.
- Mailstore Client can be downloaded and installed on the local PC to access the email archive.

- Click on Administrative Tools and then on Users then click on Create New .

- A new popup will open. Please enter the name for the new user then click on OK to create new user.

- Now click on the Password button to set the new password for the new user. Then enter the password and click on OK. Again, click on OK to confirm the user.

Editing an Existing User Account
- Select a user from the list and click on Properties.

In the next window, the following settings can be specified:
General Information
- Full Name: Enter first and last name of the user.
- Authentication: If choosing the setting Diadem MailStore-integrated, users have to use the password specified in user management when logging on to Diadem MailStore Client. Click on Password... to set the password. Users can later change their passwords through the Administrative Tools in their installation of Diadem MailStore Client.
Alternatively, the authentication Directory Services can be used. In this case, users can log on to Diadem MailStore using their directory service credential (e.g. Active Directory access data).
- User is an Administrator: Only administrators have access to the administrative functions found in Diadem MailStore Client's Administrative Tools and in the management shell.
Integration (optional)
- LDAP DN String: This information is needed if the user is to be authenticated through an LDAP based directory service such as Active Directory or other generic LDAP servers.
- Email Addresses: This information is only needed for the following archiving options: MailStore Proxy Server, Microsoft Exchange Journaling, and archiving multiple Exchange mailboxes synchronously.
- POP3 User Names: This information is only needed for archiving tasks using MailStore Proxy. If the POP3 user name does not match the user's email address, the user name has to be specified here.
Specifying Privileges

The Following Privileges can be Assigned:
- Log on to MailStore Server: Only users with this privilege can log on to Diadem MailStore Server through Diadem MailStore Client. Please note: Without this privilege, emails can still be archived for the respective user.
- Change Password: Only users with this privilege can change their passwords independently in Diadem MailStore's Administrative Tools under Change Password. Users without this privilege must use the password created by the administrator in user management (relevant with Diadem MailStore-integrated authentication).
- Archive Email: Only users with this privilege can execute archiving profiles independently and thereby archive emails to Diadem MailStore Server. Please note: An administrator can always archive emails for the user regardless of this setting. Please keep in mind that users can archive emails only if they have write-access to their Diadem MailStore user folders. This setting can be specified under Folder Access (described below).
- Unlimited - Users with this privilege can create and edit archiving profiles.
- Run existing profiles only - Users with this privilege can only execute already existing archiving profiles but can neither create new profiles nor modify existing ones.
- Manage profiles only - Users with this privilege can modify already existing archiving profiles and create new ones, but cannot run any profiles.
- Export Email: Only users with this privilege can export emails from MailStore.
- Unlimited - Users with this privilege can create and edit export profiles.
- Run existing profiles only - Users with this privilege can only execute already existing export profiles but can neither create new profiles nor modify existing ones.
- Manage profiles only - Users with this privilege can modify already existing export profiles and create new ones, but cannot run any profiles.
- Delete Email: Only users with this privilege can delete emails from their user archives. Please keep in mind that this privilege should only be granted with great care, because legal requirements are hard, if not impossible, to meet if users are allowed to delete their emails independently. Once deleted, emails can only be recovered by restoring a Diadem MailStore backup.
Folder Access
All main folders, which the current user has access to, are listed here. These folders correspond to the archives of individual MailStore users and contain all their archived emails. By default, users have only access to their own archives (to read and write, but not to delete). By clicking on Add New, the main folder of another user can be added to the list of folders accessible by the current user. Then the type of access to be permitted has to be specified.
The following options are available:
- Full Access
- Read
- Write
- Delete