Magento is an extremely popular open source e-commerce service powered by PHP. It provides a flexible modular architecture enhanced with agile ecosystem to continually adapt, customize and extend your platform. This tutorial shows how to deploy a Magento application into Diadem Express Cloud manually or via one-click installation options.
1. Log in to Diadem EC Manager
2. Click Create environment at the top left corner of the dashboard.
3. Pick Apache application server, PHP and MySQL database as below given compatible with Magento 2.1.7.
Apache application server
PHP version – 7.0
MySQL version – 5.7 or MariaDB
4. In a minute your environment with both Apache and MySQL will be created and appears in the environment list.
5. Check if,,, module is activated. To do that, click Config button for your Apache server.
6. Navigate to etc folder and open php.ini file. If these module was not enabled, please enable this.
7. If the needed module is not displayed in the list, add line after as it is shown in the picture below:
Upload the applicatio
1.Go to the official Magento website, choose .zip format in expandable list and click Download button.
Magento download link:
2. Log in or register (if you don't have an account) in appeared window. After that the downloading will start.
3. Upload the downloaded *.zip archive to the Deployment manager.
4. Once the package is in Diadem EC, deploy it to the environment you have just created.
Configure database
1.Once the deployment is finished, click Open in browser button for MySQL node (PHPMyAdmin).
2. When you created the environment, Diadem EC sent you an email with credentials to the database. Create an account and the database with the application using these credentials.
Install Magento
1.Click the Open in browser button for Apache in your environment.
2. Fulfill the required components for compatibility and press next.
3. The process of installation is rather simple, but let's pay more attention to the Database Connection section in the Configuration tab. Fill in the required fields in the following way:
Choose MySQL Database Type
State Host (insert the link to your database without "http://" and "/")
Type Database name (which you've entered while creating database)
Type User Name (which you've entered while creating database or just root)
Type User Password (which you've entered while creating database or which you've got by email)
click Continue button.
5. Finally it will open Admin Login screen. Use admin credentials to login on this screen. It will open Admin panel after successful authentication.
Now you can easily use Magento in Diadem EC PHP Cloud.