Diadem Technologies Support Knowledgebase

Restricting users from sending emails to a distribution list in Zimbra

Article ID: 1593
Last updated: 12 May, 2023

Restricting users from sending emails to a distribution list in Zimbra

To restrict distribution list access please follow the below given steps

Step 1: Go to Home > Manage > <Select the distribution list > for that you want to configure the restriction then click on  Owners > Add > Put the owner email id > OK.  The following is an example of [email protected]  as the owner of the [email protected] distribution list.


Note: If your Distribution List already has an owner then you can skip the first step.

Step 2: Please login to the webmail to the owner of that distribution list then Go to Contacts > Distribution Lists > Select the distribution list and right-click on it > Edit Distribution List

Step 3: Go to Distribution List Properties > On the 'Mail' section select "only these users can send to this list" > put the specific email ids only  who can send emails to the distribution list > Save

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Article ID: 1593
Last updated: 12 May, 2023
Revision: 25
Views: 792
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