Diadem Technologies Support Knowledgebase

Secure FTP with TLS encryption in Filezilla

Article ID: 596
Last updated: 29 May, 2020

Secure FTP with TLS encryption in Filezilla

   Step 1: Install filezilla into your local system

1. Go to https://filezilla-project.org and download the filezilla application.

2. Install into your system.

3. Run filezilla application.

   Step 2: Steps to login to the FTP account with TLS encryption

1. Go to File, Site Manager and click on New Site. Follow as given below.

    A. For General tab, input the Host, Port, Encryption, User and Password as shown.


    B. Go to Transfer Settings, and select the transfer mode default or passive and click OK.

2. Now Open the Site Manager and click on connect to login FTP.
    A popup will open for the verification of SSL certificate for the hostname, check on always trust certificate for future session and click OK.

To uploading website contents through FTP (FileZilla), Please follow the below given KB link:

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Article ID: 596
Last updated: 29 May, 2020
Revision: 19
Views: 4267
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