Diadem Technologies Support Knowledgebase

Sub-Domain Forwarding

Article ID: 1245
Last updated: 05 Sep, 2019

Sub-Domain Forwarding

Step 1: Select the Domain Tab from Left Panel.

Step 2: Type the sub domain in the Search Bar located on the top right corner of the panel.

Step 3: Click on the Domain name.

Step 4:Click on the Apache & nginx Settings.

Step 5: Type the forward link under the Additional Apache Directives as given below in the these two fields Additional Directives for HTTP & Additional Directives for HTTPS.

Redirect 301 / https://www.google.com/maps/d/embed?mid=1dxI_pWe9Lh9FJMyGg-zacA8AYO0&ll=22.619503815250464%2C88.40641565555268&z=9

Step 6: Click on OK.

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Article ID: 1245
Last updated: 05 Sep, 2019
Revision: 5
Views: 120
Comments: 0