Network issue troubleshooting at local client desktop

Whenever an issue evolves related to IP in the server, the following checks are needed to be done at clients end

Step 1. Ping check to domain / IP with the command ping <domain_name -t> and for the IP in case the domain does not respond as ping <IP -t> as per the below given image. The continuous ping statistics will be shown.




Step 2.  Telnet check to domain:port.

              Telnet checks have been done for SMTP 25 and 587 ports with domain_name and IP address. The different ports of email server are given below.

             Incoming server : POP3 : 110 (default), 995 (SSL)

              Incoming server : IMAP : 143 (default), 993 (SSL)

              Outgoing server : SMTP : 25 (default), 465 (SSL), 587(TLS)


Step 3.   Traceroute check to domain / IP with the command tracert <domain_name>. The hopping data will be shown in a continuous manner unless there is a data loss for a second and it will show Request timed out.


Step  4.  A global ping check can also be done for the testing as shown below.

              You can try with this link:      



  Once this is done, the result of the global ping check will be available as shown in the image below.


Step 5: If still you face any issue, kindly save the output of the command line utility in a text file and send a mail at [email protected] for further check.

Article ID: 1350
Last updated: 19 Oct, 2020
Revision: 6
Email Hosting -> Email Troubleshooting -> Network issue troubleshooting at local client desktop