Diadem Technologies Support Knowledgebase
Enable Two Factor Authentication 2FA on WHM and Cpanel
Enable Two Factor Authentication 2FA on WHM and Cpanel Enable 2FA on WHM Enable 2FA on Cpanel Enable 2FA on WHM Panel with Root User Step 1: Click on WHM >> Two Factor Authentication and toggle the bar to make it enabled and click on save. Step 2: Click on "Manage My...
rating 23 Apr, 2024 Comments: 0
cPanel Backup Job monitoring
Cpanel Backup Job monitoring Reference KB on Cpanel Backup log location: https://support.cpanel.net/hc/en-us/articles/4402165344535-Where-are-the-cPanel-Backup-logs Reference KB on Cpanel backup on locally mounted remote filesystem:...
rating 24 Nov, 2023 Comments: 0
How to Block IP's which consume additional bandwidth in cPanel
How to Block IP's which consume additional bandwidth in cPanel How to Check Website Statistics Bandwidth usage in cPanel How to Block IP in cPanel How to Check Website Statistics Bandwidth usage in cPanel Step 1: Log in to cPanel. Step 2: In the “Metrics” section, click the...
rating 08 Nov, 2023 Comments: 0
How to check Cpanel Logs
How to check Cpanel Logs Reference KB: https://docs.cpanel.net/knowledge-base/cpanel-product/the-cpanel-log-files/ Website Raw Access Log Website Error Logs FTP Access Log FTP Login Logs Cpanel Access Log Maillog Website Raw Access Log Option1: To check website access log from Cpanel...
rating 17 Feb, 2023 Comments: 0
Create hosting plan for the customer in CWP
Create hosting plan for the customer in CWP Step 1: follow are the steps to add a hosting package for customer 1. Go to CentOS WebPanel Admin GUI at http://SERVER_IP:2030 or https://SERVER_IP:2031 and login 2. From the navigation menu goto packages and add a package. 3. Enter the required...
rating 17 Jul, 2018 Comments: 0