Diadem Technologies Support Knowledgebase
Domain Services
Generate Paid SSL Certificate through Client Portal and Plesk
Generate Paid SSL Certificate through Client Portal and Plesk To generate a certificate from Plesk we can click on generate a new certificate as per the steps below. If CSR is already generated, then go to Step 3. Step 1: For Generating the SSL certificate first of all we need to generate...
rating 11 Oct, 2020 Comments: 0
How to generate SSL certificate from CRM Client Panel
Prerequisite: CSR certificate for the domain, either that will be generated and supplied by the client or we can generate the certificate from our end. To generate a certificate from our end we can click on generate a new certificate as per the steps below. To the SSL product from the service...
rating 20 May, 2020 Comments: 0
Update Domain DNS records from Diadem CRM portal
How to Manage Domain Diadem CRM portal Managing DNS records for your domain Adding A Record Adding MX record Domain Transfer Procedure Managing DNS records for your domain NOTE: This KB article is applicable only when your domain is registered but not hosted with us and you want to...
rating 15 Oct, 2019 Comments: 0
Domain Control Panel Overview - Rclub
Below is the step-by-step guideline for Domain Control Panel access for “RClub”. Getting Started Activate DNS Setup DNS Records on DNS Domain Authorization Key Getting Started Step 1: Log in to the domain control panel at http://manage.diadem-tech.com/customer with your admin mail ID...
rating 26 May, 2011 Comments: 0
Domain Control Panel Overview (ENOM)
Below is the step by step guideline for Domain Control Panel access for “ENOM”. 1) Login to the ENOM domain access control panel at http://access.diadem-tech.com/ with your domain user name and password. 2) To change the DNS click “Edit” under “DNS Information” section. You can set you own Name...
rating 26 May, 2011 Comments: 0