Diadem Technologies Support Knowledgebase
Express Cloud
Environment Management from Diadem Express Cloud Dashboard
Environment Management from Diadem Express Cloud Dashboard Create An Environment Start and Stop the Environment Restart Required Nodes Change Environment Settings Delete Environment 1 .Create An Environment 1.1 Login to the Dashboard on app.diadem.io with your Registered Email and...
07 Feb, 2024
Upgrade HA proxy Version Upgrade in live environment
To upgrade HA proxy Version Upgrade in live environment 1. Login to the specific environment where you want to upgrade. 2. Click on the Redeploy Containers button to re deploy the application 3. Select the specific version to re-deploy and click on Redeploy to redeploy the specific version...
15 Sep, 2021
How to manage firewall in Diadem Express Cloud
What is a Firewall? A firewall is a barrier or shield designed to protect your device from the data-based malware dangers on the internet. The firewall is used extensively to block unwanted access to Prevent Unauthorized Remote Access to your systems or servers. It can be your mobile, PCs,...
01 May, 2021
How to Install Edgeport CDN in Diadem Express Cloud
Diadem Express Cloud CDN add-on is powered by Verizon Edgecast highly interconnected global network of 130+ Super PoPs (points of presence) with bandwidth capacity up to 64 Tbps, advanced caching and acceleration strategies based on best-in-class IP Anycast technology. More details can be checked...
13 Jul, 2019
How to view usage statistics of any node from Diadem Express Cloud panel
To view full usage statistics of any node from Express Cloud panel. 1. Login to your Diadem Express Cloud account using your login credentials. 2. Expand your environment and hover on the nodes where you want to see the statistics report icon. Now click on the statistics icon to view the...
17 Sep, 2018
How to add SSL in Diadem Express Cloud
To enable SSL for your environment, enabling SSL from here you will be able use the diadem.cloud SSL certificate and then click on apply to apply the changes, what is mandate in is there is need to have public IP on nginx. Installing Lets Encrypt SSL which is free and needs to be installed as...
13 Apr, 2018
Perl module issue while installing csf on Diadem Express Cloud VPS.
Config Server Firewall is a Login/Intrusion Detection and Security application for Linux servers. Install CSF using the given below steps. # cd /usr/local/src # wget https://download.configserver.com/csf.tgz # tar -xzvf csf.tgz ...
04 Nov, 2017
Install FTP in Diadem Express Cloud
To create FTP application the must thing is you should have an IP address associated with that particular instance. To add FTP click on Add-ons symbol and then click the install button. Need to confirm the Installation in the Dialog box as shown below, once you the installation gets...
18 Aug, 2017
How to bind custom domain via CNAME or A record
How to bind custom domain via CNAME 1. Log in to your domain registrar and add canonical name (CNAME) for the preliminary bought external domain so it points to your Diadem EC environment (env_name.{hoster_domain}). www.diademtest.com CNAME ...
14 Aug, 2017
How to create a clone of your Express Cloud environment
1. Log in to your Diadem Express Cloud dashboard, and press the Clone Environment button on the environment that you wish to clone. 2. Enter a environment name for the new clone of your environment, and click Clone to start the process. Note: It takes several minutes for the cloning...
01 Aug, 2017
How to upgrade your trial account to a paid account in Diadem Express Cloud
Diadem Technologies Support Knowledgebase Add user public Home Articles Files Feedback Users Help Articles Articles Drafts Comments Glossary Main Advanced Add new Article ID: 966 Type: Category: Start typing a category name Diadem Express Cloud PAAS Title: How to upgrade your trial account to a...
01 Aug, 2017
Deploying Python with SQLite in Diadem Express Cloud.
Login to your Diadem EC panel with respective user name and password, kindly use the given below link is for quick reference to login to Diadem EC panel. Login URL: https://app.diadem.io/ Create New Environment: Click on create new environment to create python environment click on python...
31 Jul, 2017
Setting Up a Cronjob in Diadem Express Cloud
Cronjob allows you to configure regularly scheduled tasks so that the jobs can be run automatically at a pre-set point of time. 1. Navigate to your application server configuration directory from config icon of your Apache instance. 2. In the config tab navigate to the cron folder and open...
31 Jul, 2017
SSH Access to a Diadem Express Cloud Account
1. Open the Diadem EC dashboard and navigate the toolbar options of perticular Instance. 2. Click the Settings button from Instance. From Instance -> Settings OR From Accounts Settings In the opened Account settings tab, navigate to the SSH Keychain -> Public -> Add Public...
31 Jul, 2017
Install applications from Marketplace at Diadem Express Cloud
With the help of Express Cloud Packaging Standard we’ve packaged the most popular and requested applications, previously configured in the most beneficial way. These applications can be automatically installed directly from the dashboard, skipping many steps of manual deployment, or from our...
29 Jul, 2017
Install Magento into Diadem Express Cloud
Magento is an extremely popular open source e-commerce service powered by PHP. It provides a flexible modular architecture enhanced with agile ecosystem to continually adapt, customize and extend your platform. This tutorial shows how to deploy a Magento application into Diadem Express Cloud...
29 Jul, 2017
How to deploy WordPress manually under project at Diadem Express Cloud
Create the environment After log-in to the panel a new environment has been created from the option ‘NEW ENVIRONMENT’. Environment Topology for installing wordpress Apache application server PHP version – 7.1.0 MySQL version – 5.7 or MariaDB In a minute your environment...
29 Jul, 2017
Deploying node.js in Diadem Express Cloud
we need to login to the Diadem EC control panel, once logged in we can created a new environment. as shown in the below given picture. I have deployed a basic node.js without any load balancing and sql server, in the above picture I have marked the specific places which needs attention before...
28 Jul, 2017