Diadem Technologies Support Knowledgebase

Adding email address, alias and deletion of email address in G-Suite

Article ID: 1002
Last updated: 06 Aug, 2019

Adding email address in G-Suite
Adding email alias in G-Suite
Deletion of email address in G-Suite

Adding email address in G-Suite:

Steps 1:

Login to G-Suite Admin Console. Below are given URL.
URL: https://admin.google.com, type email address which have administrative privilege and click on NEXT button.
After that give password and now click on Sign in button.

Steps 2:

Now click on Users from the admin console dashboard as shown on the figure below.

Steps 3:

Now click on Add new user.

Steps 4:

1. To click on camera button set the profile picture of that account.

2. Give First name. (Required field).

3. Type Last name. (Required field).

4. Type the username which you want to create.

5. By sliding "Automatically generate a password" button you can generate random password, if you want to set your custom password make this button disable.

6. Type the custom password at Password textbox.

7. To enable "Ask for a password change at the next sign-in" button, you need to change password first time login.

8. Now click on "ADD NEW USER" as shown on the below figure.

Scroll down the popup

Adding email alias in G-Suite:

Steps 1:

Login to G-Suite Admin Console. Below are given URL.
URL: https://admin.google.com, type email address which have administrative privilege and click on NEXT button.
After that give password and now click on Sign in button.

Steps 2:

Click on the Users and select the particular email address that you want to add the Alias. As shown on the screenshot below.

Steps 3:

Now click on button to expand the User information option.

Steps 4:

Now go to the Email aliases section and click on button.

Steps 5:

Now type the Alias name and click on SAVE button to save changes.

Deletion of email address from G-Suite:

Steps 1:

Login to G-Suite Admin Console. Below are given URL.
URL: https://admin.google.com, type email address which have administrative privilege and click on NEXT button.
After that give password and now click on Sign in button.

Steps 2:

Now click on the Users from the admin console dashboard.

Steps 3:

Hover the mouse pointer at the at the right hand side of the email address and click on More and select Delete user.

G-Suite email address deletion reference URL: https://support.google.com/a/answer/33314?hl=en

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Article ID: 1002
Last updated: 06 Aug, 2019
Revision: 8
Views: 378
Comments: 0